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Published Conference Proceedings and Abstracts


  1. Jabbal AS, Bailey DA, Baxter-Jones ADG, Erlandson M. Do the currently recommended heart rate and respiratory quotient criteria adequately identify maximal aerobic efforts in growing children? In: Proceedings of the 2016 North American Society for Pediatric Exercise Medicine (NASPEM) Biennial Scientific Meeting, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Knoxville, TEN, USA, August 10 -13th, 2016., pp 46. 

  2. Baxter-Jones ADG, Barbour-Tuck E, Erlandson M, Sherar LB, Jackowski SA, Eisenmann JC, Bailey DA. Are there critical periods of fat accrual during adolescence that influence male adults weight status? In: Proceedings of the 2016 North American Society for Pediatric Exercise Medicine (NASPEM) Biennial Scientific Meeting, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Knoxville, TeN, USA, August 10 -13th, 2016., pp 45

  3. Tait T, Barbour-Tuck M, Erlandson M, Bailey DA, Baxter-Jones ADG. Does maturational timing influence the leg length, leg strength velocity relationship in adolescent boys? In: Proceedings of the 2016 North American Society for Pediatric Exercise Medicine (NASPEM) Biennial Scientific Meeting, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Knoxville, TeN, USA, August 10 -13th, 2016, pp 34.

  4. Baxter-Jones ADG, Hillis D, Jackowski SA, Bailey DA, Eisenmann JC, Sherar LB (2014). The role of childhood physical fitness on physical activity in mid-adulthood: A longitudinal study. Science and Sports, 29 (1): S38.

  5. Jackowski SA, Bailey DA, Eisenmann JC, Sherar LB, Baxter-Jones ADG (2014). Is adolescent body composition development associated with bone structural strength at the proximal femur at 50 years of age? Journal of Bone Mineral Research, 29 (Suppl. 1) Available at Accessed September 22nd, 2014.

  6. Eisenmann JC, Jackowski SA, Sherar LB, Bailey DA, Baxter-Jones ADG (2014). Does the Trajectory of Aerobic Power Development in Adolescence Affect Cardio-Metabolic Risk in Mid-Adulthood? In: Proceedings of North American Society for Pediatric Exercise Medicine (NASPEM) 2014 Biennial Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, August 20-23rd 2014.p 28.

  7. Baxter-Jones ADG, Jackowski SA, Bailey DA, Eisenmann JC, Sherar LB (2014). Does Level of Adolescence Physical Fitness Influence Cardio-Metabolic Risk in Mid-Adulthood? In: Proceedings of North American Society for Pediatric Exercise Medicine (NASPEM) 2014 Biennial Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, August 20-23rd 2014.p 28.

  8. Jackowski SA, Bailey DA, Eisenmann JC, Sherar LB, Baxter-Jones ADG (2014). Is adolescent muscular strength associated with bone structural strength at the proximal femur in mid-adulthood? In: Proceedings of North American Society for Pediatric Exercise Medicine (NASPEM) 2014 Biennial Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, August 20-23rd 2014.p 33.

  9. Moore SA, Brasher P, Nettlefold L, Macdonald H, Baxter-Jones A, McKay HA (2014). Can we improve the prediction of age at peak height velocity and maturity offset from anthropometric measures? In: Proceedings of North American Society for Pediatric Exercise Medicine (NASPEM) 2014 Biennial Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, August 20-23rd 2014.p 31.

  10. Lorbergs AL, Jackowski SA, Frank AW, McLardy AJ, Sherar LB. Baxter-Jones ADG, Kontulainen SA (2012). Site-specific associations between BMI and bone content and density in healthy adults: A pQCT study. Journal of Bone Mineral Research, 27 (Suppl. 1) Available at  Accessed Oct 10 2013.

  11. Van Oort C, Jackowski SA, Eisenmann JC, Sherar LB, Baxter-Jones ADG (2012). Tracking of aerobic fitness from adolescence to mid-adulthood: the Saskatchewan Growth and Development Study. In: Proceedings of North American Society for Pediatric Exercise Medicine (NASPEM) Biennial Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, August 15-18th, 2012.

  12. Baxter-Jones ADG (2011). Total and trunk fat in adolescence and future health outcomes. In: Proceedings of Pennington Biomedical Research Center Scientific Symposium. Adiposity in children and adolescents: Correlates and clinical consequences of fat stored in specific body depots. Banton Rouge, Louisiana, Dec 5-6th 2011.

  13. Lorbergs AL, Farthing JP, Baxter-Jones ADG, Kontulainen SA (2010). The role of muscle properties in predicting pQCT estimated bone strength at the radius in midlife. Journal of Bone Mineral Research, 25 (Suppl. 1) Available at    Accessed on Oct 10 2013.

  14. Jackowski SA, Malian ND, Thompson AM, Bailey DA, Baxter-Jones ADG (2010). Adolescent aerobic fitness and lipid profiles at 40 years of age. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Joint Meeting of the North American Society for Pediatric Exercise Medicine and the European Group for Pediatric Work Physiology, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada, September 22-26, 2010

  15. Kontulainen SA, Lorbergs A, Johnston J, Jackowski S, Frank A, Baxter-Jones A (2010). Forearm muscle strength development in adolescence predicts bone area and density at distal radius but not in radial diaphysis in midlife - evidence from a 40-year prospective study. In: Proceedings of the IOF World Congress on Osteoporosis & 10th European Congress on Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis,  Florence, Italy,  May 5-8, 2010. Osteoporosis International, 21 (Suppl. 1), 37.

  16. Lorbergs A, Johnston JD, Baxter-Jones ADG, Kontulainen SA (2009). Does childhood forearm muscle strength development predict bone strength in midlife? Evidence from a 40-year prospective study. Journal of Bone Mineral Research, 24 (Supp 1). Available at Accessed September 17, 2009.

  17. Malian ND, Jackowski SA, Lorbergs AL, Baxter-Jones ADG (2009). Relationship between maturational timing and cardiovascular risk factors at 40 years of age.  Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 34, S61.

  18. Eisenmann JC, Baxter-Jones ADG, Welk G, Heelan K, Ace ID. Genotype does not modify the longitudinal relationship between physical activity and blood pressure during childhood. In: Proceedings of XXVth International Symposium of Pediatric Work Physiology, Children and Exercise XXV, Physical Activity and Exercise for Disabled and Healthy Children, Le Touquet Paris Plage, France, September 29th to October 3rd 2009. p 23.

  19. Jackowski SA, Thompson AM, Mirwald RL, Bailey DA, Baxter-Jones AD. 2009. Does physical activity during adolescence influence male lean tissue mass at 40 years of age? Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 41(5): S98.

  20. Eisenmann JC, Baxter-Jones ADG, Welk G, Heelan K. 2009. Longitudinal modeling of physical activity, body fatness and blood pressure during childhood. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 41(5): S332

  21. Jackowski SA, Malian ND, Thompson AG, Bailey DA, Baxter-Jones ADG. 2009.  Aerobic fitness and lipid profiles in adults at 40 years of age. In: Proceedings of ‘The 16th Life & Health Sciences Research Day, University of Saskatchewan, March 13th, 2009. pp. 90.

  22. Baxter-Jones ADG. The Impact of Adolescence Physical Activity on Adult Health Status: Evidence from the Saskatchewan Longitudinal Studies. In: Proceedings of Sixth Annual Human Movements Postgraduate Conference, April 10th-12th 2007. The University of Queensland Marine Research Station, North Stradbroke Island, Queensland, Australia pp 9-10.

  23. Hill CN, Baxter-Jones ADG, Mirwald RL, Bailey DA. 2005. Somatotypes: Is there a correlation from childhood to adulthood? In: Proceedings of ‘The twelfth annual life sciences student research day, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada, 17th March 2005.

  24. Spencer MD, Baxter-Jones ADG, Drinkwater D, Faulkner RA, Mirwald RL. 2004. Does physical activity affect sub-maximal oxygen consumption during childhood and adolescence? Canadian Journal of Applied Physiology. 29: s83.

  25. Spencer MD, Baxter-Jones ADG, Drinkwater D. 2003. Allometric scaling of sub maximal oxygen consumption during the growing years. Canadian Journal of Applied Physiology. 28(Suppl.): s103.

  26. Spencer MD, Baxter-Jones ADG, Drinkwater D, Mirwald RL. 2003. Does maturity status affect running economy in adolescent boys? Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 35(5 Suppl.): s23.

  27. Bilz KC, Faulkner RA, Mirwald RL, Baxter-Jones ADG. 2003. Adolescent physical activity and adult bone mineral status a follow-up study. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 35(5 Suppl.): s79.

  28. Whelan HK, Baxter-Jones ADG, Mirwald RL, Bailey DA, Thompson AM. 2001 The effect of level of activity on strength development in males aged 10 to 16. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 33(5 Suppl.): s34.

  29. Thompson AM, Mirwald RL, Bailey DA. 1998. Does a Secular Trend for Height and Weight Still Exist? 1998 In Proceedings American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, June.

  30. Carter L, Mirwald R, Heath-Roll B, Bailey DA. 1995. Somatotypes of 7-16 year old Canadian Boys. In: Proceedings International Olympic Committee Sports Sciences Congress. Atlanta.

  31. Bailey DA. 1992. Children and Physical Activity: Living in Harmony with Winter. In: Proceedings Fifth International Winter Cities Biennial. Montreal.

  32. Crawford SM, Bailey DA, Ross WD. 1991. Morphometric Assessment of Developmental Status in Boys. In: Proceedings International Congress on Sports Medicine and Human Performance, Vancouver.

  33. Rasmussen R, Mirwald RL, Faulkner RA, Bailey DA. 1989. A Longitudinal Analysis of Height, Weight, Maximal Oxygen Consumption and Muscle Mass in 10 to 16 Year Old Boys. 1989 Annual Meeting of CASS, Montreal. Canadian Journal of Sport Sciences. 14:133.

  34. Ross WD, Bailey DA, Mirwald RL, Faulkner RA, Rasmussen R, Kerr DA, Stini WA. 1989. Allometric Relationship of Estimated Muscle Mass and Maximal Oxygen Uptake in Boys Studied Longitudinally Aged 8 to 16 Years. In: Proceedings Pediatric Work Physiology XV. Budapest, Hungary

  35. Bailey DA (1989). Sport, Maturation and the Young Performer. In: Proceedings British Institute of Sports Coaches International Congress, Lilleshall National Sports Center, U.K.

  36. Bailey DA, and Mirwald RL (1985). Maximal Aerobic Power in Boys and Girls: A Longitudinal Perspective. In: Proceedings Fifth Biennial Conference on Exercise, Nutrition, and Performance. Cumberland College of Health Sciences, Sydney, Australia.

  37. Bailey DA, Mirwald RL (1984). The Effects of Sports Training on the Growth and Development of the Child. In:  Proceedings International Congress on the Child in Sport, Urbino, Italy.

  38. Bailey DA, Mirwald RL, Cameron N. 1983. Aerobic Power and Growth in Boys with Differing Physical Activity Profiles - A Dimensional Assessment. In: Proceedings Pediatric Work Physiology X1, Papendal, The Netherlands.

  39. Gomes PS, Mirwald RL, Bailey DA (1983). Differential Growth of Boys Studied Longitudinally From 7-16 Years of Age. Methods of Biological Anthropology, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia.

  40. Bailey DA, Mirwald RL (1982). Aerobic Power in Active and Inactive Boys – A Longitudinal Comparison. 1982 Annual Meeting of CASS, Victoria. Canadian Journal of Applied Sport Sciences, 7, 243.

  41. Bailey DA, Mirwald RL, Carter JEL (1982). Physique Type of Canadian Men and Women with Special Reference to Youth. In: Proceedings Fifteenth Meeting of the International Council for Physical Fitness Research, Magglingen, Switzerland.

  42. Mirwald RL, Bailey DA, Faulkner R (1982). Canadian Cardiorespiratory Fitness with Special Reference to Youth. In: Proceedings Fifteenth Meeting of the International Council for Physical Fitness Research, Magglingen, Switzerland.

  43. Bailey DA, Mirwald RL, Carter JEL, Gomes P (1982). Physical Activity Patterns, Maturational Status, Body Type and Motor Performance in Growing Boys. In: Proceedings Third International Congress of Auxology - Growth and Development, Brussels, Belgium.

  44. Mirwald RL, Bailey DA (1982). Longitudinal Comparison of Aerobic Power and Heart Rate Responses at Submaximal and Maximal Workloads in Active and Inactive Boys. In: Proceedings Third International Congress of Auxology - Growth and Development, Brussels, Belgium.

  45. Bailey DA (1981). Longitudinal Study of Growth. In: Proceedings Pan American Congress Sports Medicine and Exercise Science, Bal Harbour, Florida.

  46. Bailey DA (1981). (In)activity and the Canadian Child. Recreation Canada, CPRA Journal, 1, February 14-18. 

  47. Bailey DA, Mirwald RL (1981). Maturation, Physical Activity and Aerobic Power in Boys. Saskatchewan Sport News, 6, 8-9.

  48. Bailey DA (1980). Physical Activity and Aerobic Power in Boys. In: Proceedings International Symposium Growth and Development of the Child, Trois Rivieres, Quebec.

  49. Mirwald RL, 1979. Evaluation for Competition, In: Proceedings from Sports Sciences Conference '79, The Growing Athlete: Preparation for Competition, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

  50. Mirwald RL (1979). Child's Play, In: Proceedings from Mind and Body in the '90's Conference, Brock, Ontario.

  51. Bailey DA (1979). Fitness and the Canadian Child. In: Proceedings of a Workshop for Professional, Leadership in Educational Administration, Toronto, Ontario.

  52. Bailey DA (1979). Physical Activity Vital for All. Children. Health, 45, No. 2, 10-25.

  53. Marshall GR. Bailey DA, Leahy RM, Ross WD (1979). Allometric Growth in Boys of Ages 7 to 16 Years Studied Longitudinally. In: Proceedings of the International Seminar on Kinanthropometry, Leuven, Belgium. Kinanthropometry II. Baltimore: University Park Press.

  54. Cameron N, Mirwald R, Bailey DA (1979). Standards for the Assessment of Normal Absolute Maximal Aerobic Power. In: Proceedings of the International Seminar on Kinanthropometry, Leuven, Belgium. Kinanthropometry II. Baltimore: University Park Press.

  55. Ross WD, Drinkwater DT, Bailey DA (1979). Kinanthropometry Traditions and New Perspectives. In: Proceedings of the International Seminar on Kinanthropometry, Leuven, Belgium, Kinanthropometry II. Baltimore: University Park Press.

  56. Mirwald RL (1978). Saskatchewan Growth and Development Study, In: Proceedings from II International Seminar on Kinanthropometry, Leuven, Belgium.

  57. Ross WD, Marshall GR, Bailey DA, Vajda, A. 1977. Dimensional Analyses in Longitudinal Study of Strength and Maximal Aerobic Power. In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Motoric Symposium, May, Darmstadt, Germany.

  58. Mirwald RL, Bailey DA, Weese C (1977). Problems in the Assessment of Maximal Aerobic Power in a Longitudinal Growth Study. In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Motoric Symposium, May, Darmstadt, Germany. 

  59. Bailey DA, Mirwald RL, Rasmussen RL (1977). Data Analysis Techniques in a Longitudinal Growth Study Using Vital Capacity as the Example Variable. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Motoric Symposium, May, Darmstadt, Germany.

  60. Demirjian A, Bailey DA, de Penna J, Auger F, Jenicek M (1976). Somatic Growth of Canadian Children of Various Ethnic Origins, I.B.P. Human Adaptability. Royal Society of Canada, 299-311.

  61. Carron, A.V. and Bailey DA 1975. Growth and Development of Strength. Journal of the Canadian Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation, 41, No. 6, 8-11.

  62. Aitken, E.J., Carron, A.V. and Bailey DA1975. An Analysis of the Strength Differences of Saskatchewan versus Alberta Females 7 to 15 Years. In: Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Pediatric Work Physiology, October, Trois-Rivieres, Quebec.

  63. Ross WD, Bailey DA, Weese CH. 1975. Proportionality in Interpretation of Longitudinal Metabolic Function Data on Boys. In: Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Pediatric Work Physiology, October, Trois-Rivieres, Quebec.

  64. Carron AV, Aitken EJ, Bailey DA (1975). The Relationship of Menarche to the Growth and Development of Strength. In: Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Pediatric Work Physiology, October, Trois-Rivieres, Quebec.

  65. Carron AV, Mirwald RL, Bailey DA (1974). Longitudinal Comparison of Reaction Time, Strength and Maximal Aerobic Power in Late, Average and Early Maturing Boys Aged 8 to16. In: Proceedings of C.A.S.S. Conference, Edmonton.

  66. Mirwald RL, Bailey DA, Weese C, Ross WD. (1974). Comparison of Maximal Aerobic Power in Boys and Girls Ages 8 to 12 Years. In: Proceedings of C.A.S.S. Conference, Edmonton.

  67. Bailey DA, Ross WD, Weese C, Mirwald RL (1974). A Dimensional Analysis of Aerobic Power in Boys Ages 8-15. In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Pediatric Work Physiology, June, Prague, Czechoslovakia.

  68. Bailey DA (1974). Developing Mass Participation for Girls and Women in Sport. In: Proceedings of the National Conference on Women and Sport, Toronto, Ontario.

  69. Carron AV, Bailey DA, Medhurst BW (1972). A Longitudinal Study of Strength in Saskatchewan Children Ages 10-14 Years. In: Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Child Growth and Development, November, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

  70. Weese CH, Ross WD, Bailey DA (1972). Computer Prospectus for Somatotype Analysis in Longitudinal Growth Studies. In: Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Child Growth and Development, November, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

  71. Bailey DA (1972). Exercise, Fitness and Physical Education for the Growing Child. In: Proceedings of the National Conference on Fitness and Health, Ottawa, Ontario.

  72. Bailey DA (1972). Physical Activity during the Growing Years. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Canadian Workshop on Child Growth and Development, November, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

  73. Bailey DA (1969). Influence of Exercise on Growth and Development. Image, 30, 15-17.

  74. Bailey DA (1969). The Saskatchewan Growth and Development Study. In: Proceedings of the 1st Canadian Workshop of Child Growth and Development, November, Ste. Marguerite, Quebec.

  75. Bailey DA, Orban W (1964). Speed of Movement and Simple Reaction Time. Journal of the Canadian Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation, 30, No. 5, 14-26.

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