Papers in Refereed Journals
The publications here mainly relate to the "Saskatchewan Growth and Development Study" and the "Saskatchewan Pediatric Bone Mineral Accrual Study", but not only.
The current list was compiled by the site director Prof. Dr. Paulo Sergio Chagas Gomes (IEFD/UERJ), based on the initial publications by Prof. Dr. Donald A. Bailey and co-workers, followed by publications led by Prof. Dr. Adam D.G. Baster-Jones (College of Kinesiology, University of Saskatchewan), current director of the two studies, who provided the initial list of publications.
Compilation last updated: August 29th, 2023
Abarghoueinejad M, Baxter-Jones ADG, Gomes TN, Barreira D, Maia J (2021). Motor performance in male youth soccer players: a systematic review of longitudinal studies. Sports (Basel), 9(4):53. DOI: 10.3390/sports9040053.
Anderson KD, Baxter-Jones ADG, Faulkner RA, Muhajarine N, Henry CJ, Chad KE (2010). Assessment of total and central adiposity in Canadian Aboriginal children and their Caucasian peers. Int J Pediatr Obes, 5(4),342-350. DOI: 10.3109/17477160903473721
Arnold CM, Bailey DA, Faulkner RA, McKay HA, McCulloch RG (1997). The effect of water fluoridation on bone mineral density of young women. Can J Public Health, 88(6): 388-391.
Bailey DA (1973). Exercise, fitness and physical education for the growing child - a concern. Can J Public Health, 64(5): 421-430.
Bailey DA, Baxter-Jones AD, Mirwald RL, Faulkner RA (2003). Bone growth and exercise studies: The complications of maturation. J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact, 3(4):335-7; discussion 356.
Bailey DA, Carter JEL, Mirwald RL (1982). Somatotypes of Canadian men and women. Hum Biol, 54, 263-281.
Bailey DA, Martin AD, McKay HA, Whiting S, Mirwald RL (2000). Calcium accretion in girls and boys during. puberty: a longitudinal analysis. J Bone Miner Res, 15: 2245-2250.
Bailey DA, McKay HA, Mirwald RL, Crocker PRE, Faulkner RA (1999). A six-year longitudinal study of the relationship of physical activity to bone mineral accrual in growing children: The University of Saskatchewan Bone Mineral Accrual Study. J Bone Mineral Res, 14(10):1672-1679.
Bailey DA, Wedge JH, McCulloch RG, Martin AD, Bernhardson SC (1989). Epidemiology of fractures of the distal end of the radius in children as associated with growth. J Bone Joint Surg Am, 71:1225-1231.
Bailey DA, Faulkner RA, McKay HA (1996). Growth, physical activity, and bone mineral acquisition. Exerc Sports Sci Rev, 24; 233-66.
Bailey DA, Martin AD (1994). Physical activity and skeletal health in adolescents. Pediatric Exercise Science, 6(4); 330-347. DOI: 10.1123/pes.6.4.330
Bailey DA (1994). Physical activity and the attainment of peak bone mass in children. Australian Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 26: 3-5.
Bailey DA (1997). The Saskatchewan Pediatric Bone Mineral Accrual Study: Bone mineral acquisition during the growing years. Int J Sports Med, 18 (Suppl 3): S191-S194. DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-972713.
Bailey DA (2000). Bone mineral accrual in adolescence: Is physical activity important? Artus: Revista de Educação Física e Desportos, 19; 58-70.
Bailey DA (2000). Is anyone out there listening? Quest, 52: 344-350.
Bailey DA (2000). Physical activity and bone mineral acquisition during adolescence. Osteoporos Int, 11 (Suppl.4): S2-S3.
Bailey DA (2000). The role of physical activity in the prevention of osteoporosis: The importance of starting young. Perspectives, 2: 35-45.
Bailey DA, Baxter-Jones ADG, Mirwald RL, Faulkner RA (2003). Bone growth and exercise studies: The complications of maturation. J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact, 3: 335-33
Bailey DA, Faulkner RA, Kimber K, Dzus A, Yong-Hing K, Wilkinson AA (1997). Altered loading patterns and femoral bone mineral acquisition in children with Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 29(11): 1395-1399. DOI: 10.1097/00005768-199711000-00001.
Bailey DA, Martin AD, McKay HA, Whiting S, Mirwald RL (2000). Calcium accretion in girls and boys during puberty: a longitudinal analysis. J Bone Miner Res, 15(11): 2245-2250. DOI: 10.1359/jbmr.2000.15.11.2245.
Bailey DA, McCulloch RG (1992). Osteoporosis: Are there childhood antecedents for an adult health problem? Can J Pediatrics, 4: 130-134.
Bailey DA, McKay HA, Mirwald RL, Crocker PE, Faulkner RA (1999). The University of Saskatchewan Bone Mineral Accrual Study: A six-year longitudinal study of the relationship of physical activity to bone mineral accrual in growing children. J Bone Miner Res, 14(10): 1672-1679. DOI: 10.1359/jbmr.1999.14.10.1672
Bailey DA, Wedge JH, McCulloch RG, Martin AD, Bernhardson SC (1989). Epidemiology of fractures of the distal end of the radius in children as associated with growth. J Bone Joint Surg Am 71(8): 1225-1231.
Barbour-Tuck E, Erlandson EA, Sherar LB, Eisenmann JC, Muhajarine N, Foulds H, Vatanparast H, Nisbet C, Kontulainen S, Baxter-Jones A (2019). Relationships between trajectories of fat mass development in emerging adulthood and cardiometabolic risk at 36 years of age. Obesity 27(10): 1652-1660. Doi:10.1002/oby.22576
Barbour-Tuck E, Erlandson EA, Johnson W, Muhajarine N, Foulds H, Baxter-Jones ADG (2018). At what age do normal weight Canadian children become overweight adults? Differences according to sex and metric. Ann Hum Biol, 45:478-485. DOI: 10.1080/03014460.2018.1546900.
Barbour-Tuck E, Erlandson EA, Muhajarine N, Foulds H, Baxter-Jones ADG (2018). The influence of childhood and adolescent fat development on fat mass accrual during emerging adulthood: a 20-year longitudinal study. Obesity, 26(3):613-620. DOI: 10.1002/oby.22111
Barbour-Tuck E, Erlandson EA, Muhajarine N, Foulds H, Baxter-Jones ADG (2018). Longitudinal patterns in BMI and percent total body fat from peak height velocity through emerging adulthood into young adulthood: The Saskatchewan Pediatric Bone Mineral Accrual Study. Am J Hum Biol, 30(1). Doi: 10.1002/ajhb.23056.
Baxter-Jones AD, Burrows M, Bachrach LK, Lloyd T, Petit M, Macdonald H, Mirwald RL, Bailey DA, McKay H (2010). International longitudinal pediatric reference standards for bone mineral content. Bone, 46(1):208-16. DOI: 10.1016/j.bone.2009.10.017.
Baxter-Jones ADG, Mirwald RL, McKay HA, Bailey DA (2003). A longitudinal analysis of sex differences in bone mineral accrual in healthy 8-19-year-old boys and girls. Ann Hum Biol, 30:160-175.
Baxter-Jones ADG (2019). Physical growth and development in young athletes: Factors of influence and consequence. Kinesiol Rev, 8(3):211-219. DOI: 10.1123/kr.2019-0024.
Baxter-Jones ADG, Barbour-Tuck EN, Dale D, Sherar LB, Knight CJ, Cumming SP, Ferguson LJ, Kowalski KC, Humbert ML (2020). The role of growth and maturation during adolescence on team-selection and short-term sports participation. Ann Hum Biol, 47(4):316-323. DOI: 10.1080/03014460.2019.1707870.
Baxter-Jones ADG, Faulkner RA, Forwood MR, Mirwald RL, Bailey DA (2011). Bone mineral accrual from 8 to 30 years of age: an estimation of peak bone mass. J Bone Mineral Res, 26(8): 1729–1739. DOI: 10.1002/jbmr.412.
Baxter-Jones ADG, Jackowski SA (2021). Sex differences in bone mineral content and bone geometry accrual: a review of the Paediatric Bone Mineral Accural Study (1991-2017). Ann Hum Biol, 48(6):503-516. DOI: 10.1080/03014460.2021.2014568.
Baxter-Jones ADG, Kontulainen SA, Faulkner RA, Bailey DA (2008). A longitudinal study of the relationship of physical activity to bone mineral accrual from adolescence to young adulthood. Bone, 43(6): 1101-1107. DOI: 10.1016/j.bone.2008.07.245.
Baxter-Jones ADG, Thompson AM, Malina RM (2002). Growth and maturation in elite young female athletes. Sports Med Arthroscopy Rev, 10:42- 49. DOI: 10.1097/00132585-200210010-00007
Baxter-Jones ADG, Eisenmann JC, Mirwald RL, Faulkner RA, Bailey DA (2008). The influence of physical activity on lean mass accrual during adolescence: a longitudinal analysis. J Appl Physiol, 105(2):734-41. DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00869.2007.
Baxter-Jones ADG, Burrows M, Bachrach LK, Lloyd T, Petit M, Macdonald H, Mirwald RL, Bailey DA, McKay H (2010). International longitudinal pediatric reference standards for bone mineral content. Bone, 46, 208-216. DOI: 10.1016/j.bone.2009.10.017.
Baxter-Jones ADG, Faulkner RA, Forwood M, Mirwald RL, Bailey DA (2011). Bone mineral accrual from 8 to 30 years of age: An estimation of peak bone mass. J Bone Miner Res, 26(8):1729-1739. DOI: 10.1002/jbmr.412.
Baxter-Jones ADG, Maffulli N, Mirwald RL (2003). Does elite gymnastics competition inhibit growth and maturation? Probably Not! Ped Exerc Sci, 15: 373-382.
Baxter-Jones ADG, Mirwald RL, McKay HA, Bailey DA (2003). A longitudinal analysis of sex differences in bone mineral accrual in healthy 8 – 19 – year-old boys and girls. Ann Hum Biol, 30:160-175. DOI: 10.1080/0301446021000034642.
Beunen G, Baxter-Jones AD, Mirwald RL, Thomis M, Lefevre J, Malina RM, Bailey DA (2002). Intraindividual allometric development of aerobic power in 8- to 16-year-old boys. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 34(3):503-10. DOI: 10.1097/00005768-200203000-00018.
Cameron N, Mirwald RL, Bailey DA, Davies PSW. (1985). The application of new height-prediction equations (Tanner-Whitehouse 2) to a sample of Canadian boys. Ann Hum Biol, 12(3): 233-239. DOI: 10.1080/03014468500007731.
Carron AV, Bailey DA (1969). Evidence for Reliable Individual Differences in Intra- Individual Variability. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 28(3): 843-846. DOI: 10.2466/pms.1969.28.3.843.
Carron AV, Bailey DA (1973). A Longitudinal examination of reaction and speed of movement in young boys 7 to 13 years. Hum Biol, 45(4): 663-681.
Carron AV, Bailey DA (1974). Strength development of boys from 10 through 16 Years. Monogr Soc Res Child Dev, 39(4): 1-37.
Carter JLE, Mirwald RL, Heath B, Bailey DA (1997). Somatotypes of 7–to–16-year-old boys in Saskatchewan, Canada. Am J Hum Biol, 9(2) : 257-272. DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1520-6300(1997)9:2<257::AID-AJHB12>3.0.CO;2-L.
Carter LM, Whiting SJ, Drinkwater DT, Zello GA, Faulkner R, Bailey DA (2001). Self-reported calcium intake and bone mineral content in adolescents. J Am Coll Nutr, 20(5): 502-509. DOI: 10.1080/07315724.2001.10719059.
Chad KA, Bailey DA, McKay HA, Zello GA, Snyder RE (1999). The effect of a weight-bearing physical activity program on bone mineral content and estimated volumetric density in children with spastic cerebral palsy. J Pediatr, 135(1): 115-117. DOI: 10.1016/s0022-3476(99)70340-9.
Chad KA, McKay HA, Zello GA, Bailey DA, Faulkner CA, Snyder RE (2000). Body composition in nutritionally adequate ambulatory and non-ambulatory children with cerebral palsy and a healthy reference group. Dev Med Child Neurol, 42(5): 334-339. DOI: 10.1017/s001216220000058x.
Chilibeck PD, Davison KS, Sale DG, Webber CE, Faulkner RA (2000). Effect of physical activity on bone mineral density assessed by limb dominance across the lifespan. Am J Hum Biol, 12(5): 633-637. DOI: 10.1002/1520-6300(200009/10)12:5<633::AID-AJHB8>3.0.CO;2-W.
Crawford SM, Bailey DA, Mirwald RL, Ross WD (1992). Simple analyses of complexity: a new approach to the assessment of structure and maturation. Acta Med Auxol, 24:197-203.
Crocker PR, Bailey DA, Faulkner RA, Kowalski KC, McGrath R (1997). Measuring general levels of physical activity: Preliminary evidence for the physical activity questionnaire for older children. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 29(10): 1344-1349. DOI: 10.1097/00005768-199710000-00011.
Duckham RL, Baxter-Jones ADG, Johnston JD, Vatanparast H, Cooper D, Kontulainen S (2014). Does physical activity in adolescence have site and sex specific benefits on young adults’ bone size, content and estimated strength? J Bone Miner Res, 29(2): 479-486. DOI: 10.1002/jbmr.2055.
Ellis JD, Carron AV, Bailey DA (1975). Physical performance in boys from 10 through 16 years. Hum Biol, 47(3): 263-281.
Erlandson MC, Sherar LB, Baxter-Jones AD, Jackowski SA, Ludwig-Auser H, Arnold C, Sankaran K (2011). Preterm birth and adolescent bone mineral content. Am J Perinatol, 28(2):157-63. DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1263299.
Erlandson MC, Kontulainen SA, Chilibeck PD, Arnold CM, Faulkner RA, Baxter-Jones ADG (2012). Former premenarcheal gymnasts exhibit site-specific skeletal benefits in adulthood after long-term retirement. J Bone Miner Res, 27(11): 2298-2305. DOI: 10.1002/jbmr.1689.
Erlandson MC, Kontulainen SA, Chilibeck PD, Arnold CM, Baxter-Jones ADG (2012). Higher premenarcheal bone mass in elite gymnasts is maintained into young adulthood after long-term retirement from sport: A 14-year follow-up. J Bone Miner Res, 27(1):104-110. DOI: 10.1002/jbmr.514.
Erlandson, M.C., Sherar, L.B., Baxter-Jones, A.D.G., Ludwig-Auser, H., Jackowski, S.A., Arnold, C., Sankaran, K. 2011. Preterm Birth and Adolescent Bone Mineral Content. Am J Perinatol, 28(2): 157-163. DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1263299.
Erlandson MC, Sherar LB, Mosewich AD, Kowalski KC, Bailey DA, Baxter-Jones ADG (2011). Does controlling for biological maturity improve physical activity tracking? Med Sci Sports Exerc, 43(5):800-807. DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0b013e3181ffee8a.
Faulkner RA, Bailey DA, Mirwald RL (1987). The relationship of physical activity to smoking characteristics in Canadian men and women. Can J Public Health, 78(3):155-60.
Faulkner RA, Davison KS, Bailey DA, Mirwald RL, Baxter-Jones AD (2006). Size-corrected BMD decreases during peak linear growth: implications for fracture incidence during adolescence. J Bone Miner Res, 21(12):1864-70. DOI: 10.1359/jbmr.060907.
Faulkner RA, Bailey DA, Drinkwater DT, McKay HA, Arnold C, Wilkinson AA (1996). Bone densitometry in Canadian children 8-17 years of age. Calcif Tissue Int, 59(5): 344-351. DOI: 10.1007/s002239900138.
Faulkner RA, Bailey DA, Drinkwater DT, Wilkinson AA, Houston CS, McKay HA (1993). Regional and total body bone mineral content and bone mineral density; and total body tissue composition in children 8-16 years of age. Calcif Tissue Int, 53(1): 7-12. DOI: 10.1007/BF01352007.
Faulkner RA, Davison KS, Bailey DA, Mirwald RL, Baxter-Jones ADG (2006). Size corrected bone mineral density decreases during peak linear growth: Implications for fracture incidence during adolescence. J Bone Miner Res, 21(12): 1864-70. DOI: 10.1359/jbmr.060907.
Faulkner RA, Forwood MR, Beck TJ, Mafukidze JC, Russell K, Wallace B (2003). Strength indices of the proximal femur and shaft in prepubertal female gymnasts. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 35(3): 513-518. DOI: 10.1249/01.MSS.0000053724.33480.8B.
Faulkner RA, McCulloch RG, Fyke S, Decoteau WE, McKay HA, Bailey DA, Houston CS, Wilkinson AA (1995). Comparison of areal and estimated volumetric bone mineral density values between older men and women. Osteoporos Int, 5(4): 271-275. 10.1007/BF01774017.
Forwood MR, Bailey DA, Beck TJ, Mirwald RL, Baxter-Jones AD, Uusi-Rasi K (2004). Sexual dimorphism of the femoral neck during the adolescent growth spurt: a structural analysis. Bone, 35(4):973-81. DOI: 10.1016/j.bone.2004.06.005
Forwood MR, Baxter-Jones AD, Beck TJ, Mirwald RL, Howard A, Bailey DA (2006). Physical activity and strength of the femoral neck during the adolescent growth spurt: a longitudinal analysis. Bone, 38(4):576-83. DOI: 10.1016/j.bone.2005.09.021.
Fransen J, Bush S, Woodcock S, Novak A, Deprez D, Baxter-Jones ADG, Vaeyens R, Lenoir M (2018). Improving the prediction of a maturity from anthropometric variables using a maturity ratio. Pediatric Exercise Science, 30(2):296-307. DOI: 10.1123/pes.2017-0009.
Fransen J, Skorski S, Baxter-Jones ADG (2021). Estimating is not measuring: the use of non-invasive estimations of somatic maturity in youth football. Sci Med Footb, 5(4):261-262. DOI: 10.1080/24733938.2021.1975808.
Fransen J, Baxter-Jones A, Woodcock S (2018). Responding to the commentary on the article: “Improving the prediction of maturity from anthropometric variables using a maturity ratio”. Pediatric Exercise Science, 30(2):311-313. DOI: 10.1123/pes.2017-0249.
Guimarães E, Baxter-Jones AD, Pereira S, Garbeloto F, Freitas D, Janeira M, Tani G, Katzmarzyk P, Silva S, Bailey DA, Mirwald RL, Maia J. (2020). Patterns of physical performance spurts during adolescence: a cross-cultural and time comparison study between Canadian, Brazilian and Portuguese boys. Ann Hum Biol, 47 (4), 346-354. DOI: 10.1080/03014460.2020.1781928.
Gunter K, Baxter-Jones AD, Mirwald RL, Almstedt H, Fuller A, Durski S, Snow C (2008). Jump starting skeletal health: a 4-year longitudinal study assessing the effects of jumping on skeletal development in pre and circum pubertal children. Bone, 42(4):710-8. DOI: 10.1016/j.bone.2008.01.002.
Iuliano-Burns S, Mirwald RM, Bailey DA (2001). Timing and magnitude of peak height velocity and peak tissue velocities for early, average and late maturing boys and girls. Am J Human Biol, 13:1-8. DOI: 10.1002/1520-6300(200101/02)13:1<1::AID-AJHB1000>3.0.CO;2-S.
Iuliano-Burns, S., Whiting, S. Faulkner RA, Bailey DA 1999. Levels, sources, and seasonality of dietary calcium intake in children and adolescents enrolled in the University of Saskatchewan Pediatric Bone Mineral Accrual Study. Nutrition Research, 19(10): 1471-1483. DOI: 10.1016/S0271-5317(99)00104-9.
Jackowski SA, Eisenmann JC, Sherar LB, Bailey DA, Baxter-Jones ADG (2017). Adolescent trajectories of aerobic fitness and adiposity as markers of cardiometabolic risk in adulthood. J Obesity 2017:6471938. DOI: 10.1155/2017/6471938.
Jackowski SA, Erlandson MC, Mirwald RL, Faulkner RA, Bailey DA, Kontulainen SA, Cooper DM, Baxter-Jones AD (2011). Effect of maturational timing on bone mineral content accrual from childhood to adulthood: evidence from 15 years of longitudinal data. Bone, 48(5):1178-85. DOI: 10.1016/j.bone.2011.02.010
Jackowski SA, Faulkner RA, Farthing JP, Kontulainen SA, Beck TJ, Baxter-Jones AD (2009). Peak lean tissue mass accrual precedes changes in bone strength indices at the proximal femur during the pubertal growth spurt. Bone, 44(6): 1186-90. DOI: 10.1016/j.bone.2009.02.008.
Jackowski SA, Baxter-Jones ADG, McLardy AJ, Pierson R, Rodgers CD (2016). The effects of exposure to oral contraceptive use on bone mineral and areal bone mineral density accrual from adolescence to young adulthood: A longitudinal study. Bone Rep, 12(5):e333-e341. DOI: 10.1016/j.bonr.2015.06.001.
Jackowski SA, Baxter-Jones ADG, Gruodyte-Raciene R, Kontulainen SA, Erlandson MC (2015). A longitudinal study of bone area, content, density and strength development at the radius and tibia in children 4 to 12 years of age exposed to recreational gymnastics. Osteoporos Int, 26(6): 1677-1690. DOI:10.1007/s00198-015-3041-1
Jackowski SA, Erlandson MC, Mirwald RL, Faulkner RA, Bailey DA, Kontulainen SA, Cooper DML, Baxter-Jones ADG (2011). Effect of maturational timing on bone mineral content accrual from childhood to adulthood: Evidence from 15 years of longitudinal data. Bone, 48(5):1178-1185. DOI: 10.1016/j.bone.2011.02.010.
Jackowski SA, Kontulainen SA, Cooper DM, Lanovaz JL, Beck TJ, Baxter-Jones AD (2013). Adolescent physical activity and bone strength at the proximal femur in adulthood. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 40(6): 547-53. DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000000154.
Jackowski SA, Kontulainen SA, Cooper DML, Lanovaz JL, Baxter-Jones ADG (2011). Maturational timing does not predict HSA-assessed adult bone geometry at the proximal femur. Bone, 49(6):1270-1278. DOI: 10.1016/j.bone.2011.08.030.
Jackowski SA, Kontulainen SA, Cooper DML, Lanovaz JL, Baxter-Jones ADG (2011). The timing of bone mineral density and geometric adaptation at the proximal femur from childhood to early adulthood in males and females: A Longitudinal Study. J Bone Miner Res, 26(11): 2753-2761. DOI: 10.1002/jbmr.468.
Jackowski SA, Lanovaz JL, Van Oort C, Baxter-Jones ADG (2014). Does lean tissue mass accrual during adolescence influence bone structural strength at the proximal femur in young adulthood? Osteoporos Int, 25(4): 1297-304. DOI: 10.1007/s00198-013-2592-2.
Jürimäe J, Gruodyte-Raciene R, Baxter-Jones ADG (2018). Effects of gymnastics activities on bone accrual during growth: a systematic review. J Sports Sci Med, 14;17(2):245-258.
Kaplowitz HJ, Mueller WH, Selwyn BJ, Malina RM, Bailey DA, Mirwald RL (1987). Sensitivities, specificities, and positive predictive values of simple indices of body fat distribution. Hum Biol, 59(5):809-25.
Katzmarzyk P, Shen W, Baxter-Jones A, Bell J, Butte N, Demerath E, Gilsanz V, Goran M, Hirschler V, Hu H, Maffels C, Malina R, Muller M, Pietrobelli A, Wells J (2012). Adiposity in children and adolescents: Correlates and clinical consequences of fat stored in specific body depots. Pediatr Obes, 7(5), E42-E61. DOI: 10.1111/j.2047-6310.2012.00073.x.
Kawalilak CE, Baxter-Jones ADG, Faulkner RA, Bailey DA, Kontulainen SA (2010). Does childhood and adolescence fracture influence bone mineral content in young adulthood? Appl Physiol Nutr Metabol, 35(3), 235-243. DOI: 10.1139/H10-011.
Lemke B, Whiting S, McKay H, Bailey DA (1998). Family similarities in dietary patterns. Can Home Economics J, 48; 45-48.
Lemke B, Whiting S, McKay H (1998). Dietary patterns of a group of children, mothers and grandmothers. Can J Diet Pract Res, 59(2): 62-66.
Liu-Ambrose T, Kravetsky L, Bailey DA, Sherar LB, Mundt CA, Baxter-Jones ADG, Khan K, McKay HA (2006). Changes in lean body mass is a major determinant of changes in areal bone mineral density of the proximal femur: A 12-year observational study. Calcif Tissue Int, 79(3):145-51. DOI: 10.1007/s00223-006-0098-z.
Lorbergs AL, Farthing JP, Baxter-Jones ADG, Kontulainen SA (2011). Forearm muscle size, strength, force and power in relation to pQCT – derived bone strength at the radius in adults. Appl Physiol Nutr Metabol, 36(5):618-625. DOI: 0.1139/h11-065
Malina RM, Baxter-Jones AD, Armstrong N, Beunen GP, Caine D, Daly RM, Lewis RD, Rogol AD, Russell K (2013). Role of intensive training in the growth and maturation of artistic gymnasts. Sports Med, 43(9): 783-802. DOI: 10.1007/s40279-013-0058-5.
Martin AD, Bailey DA, McKay HA, Whiting S (1997). Bone mineral and calcium accretion during puberty. Am J Clin Nutr, 66(3): 611-615. DOI: 10.1093/ajcn/66.3.611.
Matthews BL, Bennell KL, McKay HA, Khan KM, Baxter-Jones AD, Mirwald RL, Wark JD (2006). Dancing for bone health: a 3-year longitudinal study of bone mineral accrual across puberty in female non-elite dancers and controls. Osteoporos Int, 17(7):1043-54. DOI: 10.1007/s00198-006-0093-2.
Matthews BL, Bennell KL, McKay HA, Khan KM, Baxter-Jones AD, Mirwald RL, Wark JD (2006). The influence of dance training on growth and maturation of young females: a mixed longitudinal study. Ann Hum Biol, 33(3):342-56. DOI: 10.1080/03014460600635951.
McCulloch RG, Bailey DA, Whalen R, Houston C, Faulkner R, Craven B (1992). Bone density and bone mineral content of adolescent soccer athletes and competitive swimmers. Pediatric Exercise Science, 4; 319-330. DOI: 10.1123/pes.4.4.319
McCulloch RG, Bailey DA, Houston CS, Dodd BL. Effects of physical activity, dietary calcium intake and selected lifestyle factors on bone density in young women. CMAJ 142(3): 221-227.
McCulloch RG, Whiting SJ, Bailey DA, Houston CS. (1991). The effect of cigarette smoking on trabecular bone density in premenopausal women, aged 20-35 years. Can J Public Health, 82(6):434-5.
McKay HA, Bailey DA, Mirwald RL, Davison KS, Faulkner RA (1998). Peak bone mineral accrual and age at menarche in adolescent girls: a six-year longitudinal study. J Pediatr, 133(5):682-687. DOI: 10.1016/s0022-3476(98)70112-x.
McKay HA, Bailey DA, Wilkinson AA, Houston CS (1994). Familial comparison of bone mineral density. at the proximal femur and lumbar spine. Bone and Mineral, 24; 95-107. DOI:
McKay HA, Petit MA, Bailey DA, Wallace WM, Schutz RW, Khan KM (2000). Analysis of proximal femur DXA scans in growing children: Comparisons of different protocols for cross-sectional 8-month and 7-year longitudinal data. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 15; 1181-118. DOI:
Mirwald RL, Bailey DA (1997). Seasonal height velocity variation in boys and girls. Am J Human Biol, 9(6):709-715. DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1520-6300(1997)9:6<709::AID-AJHB4>3.0.CO;2-M.
Mirwald RL, Bailey DA, Cameron N, Rasmussen RL (1981). Longitudinal comparison of aerobic power in active and inactive boys aged 7.0 to 17.0 years. Ann Hum Biol, 8(1): 405-414. DOI: 10.1080/03014468100005231
Mirwald RL, Baxter-Jones AD, Bailey DA, Beunen GP (2002). An assessment of maturity from anthropometric measurements. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 34(4):689-94. DOI: 10.1097/00005768-200204000-00020.
Mirwald RL, Bailey DA (1997). Seasonal height velocity differences in boys and girls age 8.5 to 18. Am J Hum Biol, 9; 709-715. DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1520-6300(1997)9:6<709::AID-AJHB4>3.0.CO;2-M.
Moore SA, Brasher PMA, Macdonald H, Nettlefold L, Baxter-Jones ADG, Cameron N, McKay HA (2015). Enhancing a maturity prediction model that uses anthropometric variables. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 47 (8): 1755-64. DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000000588.
Movassagh EZ, Baxter-Jones ADG, Kontulainen SA, Whiting S, Szafron M, Vatanparast, H (2018). Vegetarian-style dietary pattern during adolescence has long-term positive impact on bone from adolescence to young adulthood: a longitudinal study. Nutr J, 17(1):36. DOIS: 10.1186/s12937-018-0324-3.
Movassagh EZ, Baxter-Jones ADG, Kontulainen SA, Whiting S, Vatanparast H (2017). Tracking dietary patterns over 20 years from childhood and adolescence into young adulthood: The Saskatchewan Pediatric Bone Mineral Accrual Study. Nutrients, 9(9):990. DOI: 10.3390/nu9090990.
Movassagh EZ, Kontulainen SA, Baxter-Jones ADG, Whiting S, Szafron M, Papadimitropoulos M, Vatanparast H (2017). Are milk and alternatives and fruit and vegetable intakes during adolescence associated with cortical and trabecular bone structure, density and strength in adulthood? Osteoporos Int, 28(2), 609-619. DOI:10.1007/s00198-016-3775-4.
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